SEADA Technology would just like to introduce are latest distributor, ITM Components. ITM Components are a UK based Distributor based in Wimborne, Dorset. They have a wide range of Professional AV Systems, Video Switching, KVM Switches, Antennas, Amplifiers, Enclosures, Fibre Optics, Video, Extenders, KVM Matrix Switches, PC104 and Digital and Analogue IO Cards. Additionally they supply an incredibly wide and diverse range of Cables.

Furthermore, they began trading in 1991 and has over 20 years of experience of providing and meeting customer requirements for bespoke or custom solutions and working in close partnership with its major manufacturers and suppliers. 
SEADA can’t wait to work together and see what the future holds for us both.

For more information about ITM Components, please visit their website. And for more information SEADA, and what we have to offer, please visit our website.

We also offer onsite and offsite demos as well as free online training webinars, where one of our brilliant team members will give you some training on this product. Additionally we have a brand new demo room, where you can see all of our products on display.

To keep up to date with all things SEADA, you can follow us on social media, using the links below.